Turnkey contract for renovation in Härnösand
Den här förfrågan lämnades sommaren 2022 i kategorin Totalentreprenad.
Du kan också få hjälp med Totalentreprenad i Härnösand!
- Hatches to the attic need to be replaced (it's really difficult to get access and put the loose heavy panel back, impossible to do alone).
- Put in new screws in the roof (inspector said the rubber rings are old and need to be replaced).
- Chimney grout in the attic needs to be renewed/fixed
- remove an old antenna from the roof (it's not in use and not connected).
- Roof snow guards (i want some advice on them first if this is a good idea, the rain gutters break now because of the snow).
- Extension of rain pipes (the rainpipe stops now at a bucket next to the house, the inspector suggested it would be better to extend the gutter further away from the house).
- House exterior needs painting (it still has the base paint from manufaturer).
- Kitchen counter top and a piece of wood at the window have water damage and need replacing
- Painting of ceilings livingroom/kitchen and 2 bedrooms
- Painting and flooring (laminate ontop of old wooden floor) of 1 bedroom.
PS. Don't speak much Swedish yet, moved here last year.
The workers were nice guys, but very sloppy. Left garbage all over the place outside the house, on the roof and in the gutters (old nails, boxes with screws, plastic, cut off pieces etc). They even left a piece of metal for the roof, about 1.2m long on the roof, which i came across during snow removal (could have gotten someone hurt badly!). I had to ask them to put the loose plastic in a garbage bag so it would not blow away again. They are badly prepared, had to do shopping several times under work time, as in arriving at the house to then decide to shop. Could have been done on the way here after the first visit, now i pay for extra driving time. Were not prepared for snow, even though they had troubles getting up before and i advised them to get chains, they did not do so and got stuck.
My Swedish boyfriend told them to skip one job so they had time for another, but they didn't listen properly and thought they could skip another job. This resulted in them having to get more supplies again.
Inside they installed some fold-away stairs to the attic, the quality of it is not great, some nails sticking out partly and one is even hammerd in crooked, coming out at the side of the trim. Also there are some hammer marks on the trim.
The contractor has overal bad communication, often takes days, sometimes weeks to reply, doesn't pick up the phone or call/message back when you call him. Doesn't reply to messages he is supposed to give to his workers (apparently he did talk to them, but no reply to me). Work was supposed to start late september, got delayed by about 5 - 6 weeks withouth much communication (me having to ask when they would start every 1 - 2 weeks).
Never got a proper offert, only a short text message with some estimates. There were supposed to be 2 invoices after the work was done, one small one for the previous owners of the house and the rest for me (this was discussed at the start). There was way too much put on the invoice for the previous owners, they talked to him and i had mail contact aswell, i received a new indication to correct the issue but it was still too high (saying some work was done, which was not true). Now it's been 2 months but i get no reply anymore to fix this issue (we simply need a small list of some prices from the total invoice).
The contractor his English is good, so no communication issues because of that, also i do understand alot of Swedish, just don't speak it much yet.
Overal, can not recommend. Communication is very poor and the finish of the work done is average.
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Vanliga frågor och svar om totalentreprenadsjobb
- Du bor och betalar skatt i Sverige för minst 90% av din inkomst.
- Du äger bostaden. Du kan inte få avdrag för arbete som utförts i en hyresrätt.
- Du måste helt eller delvis bo i fastigheten där arbetet ska utföras.
- Arbetet måste ske inne i bostadsrätten. Yttre underhåll såsom fönsterbyte, inglasning av balkong och byte av ytterdörr är inte giltigt för skattereduktion.
- Du har betalat fakturan. Har någon annan betalat för tjänsten så kan du inte göra avdrag.
- Fastigheten är äldre än 5 år. Garage eller carport ger rätt till rot om tillbyggnaden byggs ihop med bostadshuset. Du kan däremot inte få skatteavdrag när du bygger ett nytt hus.
- Rotavdraget får uppgå till max 50 000 kronor per person och år.
- För rottjänster kan du dra av upp till 30 procent av arbetskostnaden.
The workers were nice guys, but very sloppy. Left garbage all over the place outside the house, on the roof and in the gutters (old nails, boxes with screws, … Visa mer